Thursday, December 6, 2018

The 25th Day of Decembers

 Christmas is the best day of the year, it has always been, and it will always be. It is the time of the year, where people are giving, united and finds happiness that is different. Love surrounds the atmosphere. People are seen by their once in a blue moon, beautiful smile. Te presence of good things are felt, as if they were carried by a wind.

 On December, outside in night time is full of lights. People's caroling, singing Christmas songs. Wind of December, the cold carries such harmony and peace. Christmas, the day in December where the essence of Christmas, for me is discovered. Everyone will be seen wearing their sweet smile with their families in their side. Gifts are gave, delicious foods are indulged and moments, are to be remembered and won't be forgotten.

 Christmas is celebrated not only for families but for others too, even strangers. it is the time of the year where everyone smiles and feel happiness hat happens once in a year. Christmas will forever be celebrated once in a year. It has been beautiful and will always be beautiful. As long as they keep smiling on Christmas and find happiness with their families and others, it will be beautiful, because that is the essence of Christmas.


She has He, He has She

 Women were made, for men to be not lonely in this world full of beautiful, mysterious things. They both must take part in everything, together they survive, together they spread good things. Until one became blind and been controlled by power, then inequality rises.

 Many things had happen when inequality arose. Most were negative effects. Women was as if they were not a part of this world anymore, they were treated as slaves. It changed the way how both should live together, fight together, and spread love together. Men was blinded in power and wants only to rule. They forgot to take women's hand and didn't respect what they also want, it was pure abuses, injustices, it was all surrounding the atmosphere. Until a special thing was made to prevent this chaos.

 To prevent this, so called chaos, they had to make laws, where everyone has rights. Now the old "Together" is coming back, slowly. they continue to spread love and survive together. But time passes, the other was got revenged on, they also felt what women felt then. But laws are still present. People still hopes, even I that they will someday have equal opportunities, since change is permanent. as long as it's good, there is no chaos.

 Men and women should consider each other's feelings, for that's how they live together. Respect what was given and made beautifully. No one can be blinded as long as She has He, He has She, things will go well.


Monday, December 3, 2018

A gamble for the guides

  Parents are made to guide the next generations for the future. It has been their responsibility since they started parenthood. It is their responsibility they should never evade, rather, they can't. It will have a negative effect if they ran from it, not just for the child but for the future as well. Going into marriage means never regret what actions or decisions that will be made. Parents will guide, teach their children until they become more outstanding than the previous generations.

  Today many children are abused because of the irresponsible parents, and because of their incompetence, lack of knowledge. It leads to negative effects on children and the family, as well as the future. They won't have the chance to be taught, to survive and to enjoy the essence of life, many challenges will face them that they can't overcome.

  As for the parents, they must teach their children about their experiences and challenges, that they shouldn't just be intelligent, but also wise. Parents shouldn't always depend on others, they must be very ready about these things in order to raise their children beautifully. They must teach them what is proven right. They must be always honest on them. Let them feel they are loved always, tell them its okay to make mistakes, that they are normal. Motivate them to strive hard. Teach them respect, tell them who is God. And lastly, parents should always tell their children that they did their best everyday and will always be proud of how their children were guided good.

  This year's children's month celebration theme, "Isulong: Tamang Pag-aaruga para sa lahat ng mga bata" means that guide all children in the right path, for they are the Hope of the future. As for the guides, they will always be loved and remembered. In the end, the children will be the one who decide, on what will going to happen, but will everything's gonna be alright even if they had good guides? It's a gamble, it was always a gamble and it will always be.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Unselfish Joy

  This year 2018, most of the people in the world migrate in other countries to work for the sake of their families. The only thing that makes them communicate with others is through gadgets, like smartphones, computers and laptops. Gadgets today are now used as if they're part of our lives, specifically, this is used then for communications only. But then it evolved and it isn't just for communications anymore, we can already see what is beyond our imaginations, we can watch videos that teaches us many things, post our thoughts through a social media, we can even search for things that isn't in our books. We can enjoy ourselves by playing games, and make this a hobby. We could say that gadgets are now important and we think that we can't live full without these.

  "Mapanuring paggamit ng gadget: Tungo sa Makapagkalingang Ugnayan sa Pamilya at Kapwa", this year's values month celebration theme's. For me, the theme means we shouldn't use most of our precious time on gadgets than our family. Communication is good but when time passes, people get tired of it, they might even communicate just for a while then continues other gadgets related but not texting or calling, they forget about their families, even responsibilities.They get addicted because of satisfaction it gives to them, the joy. But I believe those are selfish, having quality time with your family gives you more than just joy, it gives you joy, but not for yourself but for your family too. The love they gave you that time remains in your heart. Communication is a bridge that connects you to your families if they're afar, that time you can tell what your day went, is it sad or great, how are you feeling, tell them you miss them, tell them you're safe always, thanking them for their endless support and their endless love.

  Time is very precious, gold, we should use it not just for our sake but also for our family. Gadget is a way for communication, for posting memories with your family in social media. Gadgets can be replaced but not family. We should value more things that can't be replaced because once they're gone, they won't be coming back. 


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

To Read is To Fly

  Reading is the action or skill of reading written or printed matter, silently or aloud. We were taught by our first teachers to read, and through this reading, we discovered many things that even our parents haven't discovered. Through reading, new stories, unique words, and even outside the earth is discovered, when reading it can feel the same as traveling since you explore unfamiliar places, things, peoples, etc.

  This year's Reading Month Celebration's theme; Pagbasa; Susi sa Magandang Kinabukasan, means that reading is the key to success, through reading we might even answer questions that is extremely hard to answer, like who is really in the wrong or right. This celebration teaches the students that reading is very crucial. It can boost the student's reading skills and communication skills, and is an exemplary linguistic. It opens opportunities to greater intellectual growth and development.
  Reading is an avenue to an endless chances to absorb bulk of information, and of course it opens opportunities to greater intellectual growth and development. this year's Reading Month Celebration will again be crucial, since the students are populating schools even more, and students will continue to multiply for the sake of the next generation, and about this, reading might be the key to their success, and someday a world greater than today's will exist.


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Before The Third Grading-

     The 2nd grading is already finished, and it was all I needed for the sembreak. Things just get very more interesting whenever we get far right? And whenever we get far, we learn new more things on the way. It might be a tough road, but it still has lessons. This 2nd grading, my focus was as if got upgraded, my vocabularies, balanced. I got fast on typing too, unlike last month. The only thing that might not have changed is the way I make mistakes, its inevitable. I love how 2nd grading made me a better student, I have also known already what is notepad for, I thought its just where you put your important chores or something in there, for it will not be forgotten that easy.
      What I love about 2nd Grading Ict is about the use of Tags, they are commands that are used in a Notepad and Simple Text. And after the instructions, saving the file with an extension file name is very important and interesting. Once those are finished, what I typed in the Notepad was putted in the Web. I was amaze by something that simple. I also learned about Internet Access either, where how Wi-fi became famous and Wimax didn't, I also learned about the Bandwidths. How to identify how fast is your Internet, and the top ten most subscribed internet. By that, I was shocked how India got higher than Philippines, but now I understand why.
        On the way, problems are inevitable. I wasn't able to understand how internet works, and had to ask my other classmates. I also make mistakes while doing the Html Tags Activities, I always rush, but then when I try to open it, it was a fail. But then I learned my lesson that rushing isn't that necessary. And of course we can't avoid being stressed in how many projects or outputs are to be passed at the same time. But we're grown ups now, we should use our time wisely. I overcame this all by believing in God, and of course to myself. Never doubt yourself, you're better than you think. By using my time wisely, I lessened the stress, and can finally have time with my family and friends.
          Moving on, I would like to thank again my teachers, for not giving up on us, Thanks for the professional teachings that made us very good students. I hope we enjoy our sembreak, with our families and friends, hope to see you again after sembreak. And it will be 3rd grading then, I hope your teaching skills may never change, because we will probably miss it! Now I'm ready for another grading.


Unity is Power

     Today, 2018, someone, something, somewhere is considered as the top or at the bottom. Things never get right. If it wasn't because of power, things might be equal. People uses power just for themselves. And it makes us compete to each other, and makes us today what we are right now. There is also an issue about racism, where one hates another race, but we're all humans, we have feelings. One has no right to despise another human being. Because of this, one or two gets left behind, and all the fame is put to the ones on top, and the left ones will be forgotten. How bad can it be?

      This year's UN Month celebration's theme; Coming Together with Those Furthest Behind To Build an Inclusive World of Universal Respect for Human Rights and Dignity, It means Unity is needed to build an inclusive world. We have to understand not just our kind, but also others,  to achieve this inclusive world. The population keeps getting higher, there's no guarantee that conflicts will be lessen. But should there be a thing in order to stop this, its being friends with other kinds. Imagine if we all can understand each other, doesn't that make an inclusive world? or rather, a peaceful world where everything is love. The purpose of this celebration is to understand others far in our kind. It teaches us on how other kinds live the same as us. It teaches us about unity is power.

       It will take a lot of time to achieve this, since we already put a huge damage in it, and it made hard to heal. But if there is Unity, it will heal in no time. I hope that people would understand what life really is, even me. Since then, we were living in this world full of lies. Its like the Alegory of the Cave. But then I still believe that we will continue to heal that damage until it heals.


Filipino Heroes

       To be called a Hero, one needs to have superpowers, save many lives and capes. That's what I used to believe. When we started going to school, we were still 4 years old, and we admire heroes such as superman, spiderman, the ones we see in televisions and comics, and were told that they were actually fake. But what we didn't knew was there was already one hero in each of our classroom, teaching us we thought nonsense, but aren't. We didn't realize then because we're naive, we just thought that someone can just become a hero if it has superpowers and capes. But does it need to have superpowers? Capes? to be a Hero?

        In every room, there is a teacher that can endure any pain just for the sake of the future, they don't think about their selves first but their students. Is that already considered a hero? What pain exactly? its a pain that is close to forget. The teachers knew that they will be left soon, after all those times of their service, they've spent more times about their students than to their selves and will be left and they will now be ready to serve another batch of students, so its like back to zero. They were able to endure that pain just for the sake of the future, I can't even imagine the world today if there were no professions, all of these was thanks to the teachers. Their teachings serve as their superpower and their profession serves as their capes. And by that we can already consider them as heroes. By enduring such pain they've became a hero.

         For all the students there, know that a hero doesn't need to wear capes and have superpowers. They are the ones you meet at your classroom every hour. Don't forget to  appreciate their teachings, don't forget they also have a Month Celebration, that is very important, you can put all your love to them when that time comes, because its important. As a Filipino, I respect all the teachers in the Philippines, the country is in the verge of falling yet, you still doesn't give up to teach us, you can count on us when the time comes, heroes!


Science's Advancements

     Science Month Celebration is one of the most awaited or liked celebrations, not because of its good activities nor the things they teach but also because of the experience of students in the celebration. Today, science has made the world very advance, not all part of it, but it is now a place that could help us in our daily lives. Because of their inventions we get to live in an easy way, some inventions too are now already part of our lives and we can't live without them. And some inventions also brought us to being dependent over something and made us selfish. 

       Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials Activating Technological Advancements, This year's Science Month Celebration's theme. Accentuate means to make more noticeable or prominent, for me it indicates that Science's inventions are need to be notice by all parts of this world and know its potentials. Science has proven enough to be renounced. The population keeps getting higher and we can't deny that it might need more inventions to the future. The purpose of this celebration is to let students know their hidden talents, so they may help someday in the future about this things for good.

         Science has made our world fit to today's time, I hope that they continue to celebrate science month, since students love its activities, and many things can be learned in this. Students should also unlock their potentials through this celebration, since children are the future and we might as well share this to the next generation either. And for that, I hope that this world will continue to innovate, until science will be gone.



Thursday, August 23, 2018

Behind Their Smiles

     The Philippines is one of the Disaster Prone Countries in the world. Because of its location, and is involved in the Pacific Ring of Fire, The Philippines often receive Natural Disasters, like earthquakes, typhoons and volcanic eruptions. Also, because of corruption too, that is taking place in the Philippines. It is already known as one of the Disaster Prone Countries, yet the government won't stop corruption. It made the Philippines slow at recovering when a disaster occurs, especially strong ones. Example of this is the Super Typhoon Yolanda, its been 5 years but Tacloban hasn't fully recovered yet.
      Filipinos are known to be hardworking, smart, lovable, and kind. Even if they are receiving many disasters, they still choose to be strong and keep smiling, that they won't lose hope. There are always what they call "Bayanihan" which they would help each other after a disaster or a problem. But sadly, Filipinos are also aware that there is a corruption in their country, and it causes poverty. It made the country very slow to recover even if they tried to help each other. Most Filipinos also depends more in the government, and since they don't ready their selves before the government in a perilous disaster, it made many casualties. I, myself is a Filipino and I also experienced those disasters, but not as worst as them. Filipinos always choose to smile, because one day, we believe that it will help them create a good country.
     The world is slowly changing, compared to the previous Century. Philippines, as well changed so much, with a new great Leader. About our Resiliency, we always have the so called "Bayanihan". Since we already got a great leader to lead us, Philippines will surely improve slowly but surely. We Filipinos should not just always depend in the government, we should always believe in ourselves as well, we must always continue to be strong and kind. We shouldn't forget our "Bayanihan" because that will help to keep us standing and will let us achieve a country with full of smiles without a bad-behinds. We will achieve a perfect country for us Filipinos, and for the next generation.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

It Doesn't End At First Quater

At the age of 20, that will be the time when we discover what life is. Just like in school, at College, it will be the time to get serious, it will be the time now to apply what you really learned at elementary and high school. Same as to the quarters of every semester, where the fourth grading will be the last grading for the school year, where the lessons will be much harder. But thankfully there are previous quarters that'll help you face the fourth quarter.

Time really moves fast, the first quarter from my Grade 10 journey has ended. I learned more than enough this quarter, like this blogging. Before I was Grade 10 I wasn't really interested in blogging, I don't even know what it means. But when we discussed about it, it was fun. We make our own account and post an article that connects to the theme from what our teacher will give. There were 6 though, this is the last, for the 1st quarter. It was really fun, because you will challenge yourself by making reaction articles and by that, you will innovate or improve your grammar. You can also improve your typing skills if you're slow at typing, and it may help you to make your works faster and easier, and because of this, blogging, students will improve their english speaking and their writing skills. We also learned about how our great technology evolved, like the internet. And also to our helpful applications, especially the ones that can make you communicate through phones. All of this things were reported by us, and thanks to that we actually boost our confidence, well most of us.

The challenges that I faced during the first quarter are, One, to face your classmates and have a proper reporting to a certain subject, since I wasn't very active when I was grade 7 and 8, I find it hard to face my classmates, even my teacher and have a proper reporting at the same time. Second, is I find it really hard to understand the theme of the articles given to us, and because of that, its hard to write something about it and made me slow. Lastly, I didn't know how beneficial blogging is for us students, but eventually we had that kind of reporting, "The Advantages of Blogging to Students" and made me realize a bit of how beneficial it is.

In order for me to overcome those challenges, I had to believe in myself. If I keep thinking about negative thoughts, I won't make things happen like they should be. I had to ask for help, since my classmates are kind I ask for their help so that my work is properly done. I myself help them too, if somehow they need me. I also had to use my time wisely, since I find it hard to understand some things at first quarter, especially the articles, I had to use my time wisely, I had to search about facts and at the same time combining it with my ideas and with the ideas of my kind classmates.

Moving on, I would like to appreciate what I learned from this Quarter, also to my teacher, Ma'am Vera Cruz for teaching us that made us do things independently. Thank you because, I know that in the near future we will apply these. Now, time to get ready for the second quarter, besides, it doesn't end at first quarter, There will be more things to come, to discover.

Scavenger Hunt 2

1.            What is the context of "embedded journalist"? When was it first used? Who created the term?
2.             _______________ is the only pope honored by Turkey a Muslim nation. His statue stands at center of a city square of ______________.
3.            Who designed the tallest building in Hong Kong?
4.            In September 11, 2001, two commercial airplanes commandeered by terrorist crashed and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. Is this the first time that an airplane crashed into a skyscraper in New York?
5.            __________ is the tallest building in the world. It is located in ____________. The construction started in ________ and was finished_________.
6.            What is the meaning of tundra? Why is the Bush administration so interested with exploring and exploiting the tundra?
7.            Draw in a diagram form the metamorphosis of an "urban legend"

 Search Engine        
 Search Technique
Embedded journalism refers to news reporters being attached to military units involved in armed conflicts. While the term could be applied to many historical interactions between journalists and military personnel, it first came to be used in the media coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Phrase Searching
Pope Benedict XV
Phrase Searching
Kohn Perdersen Fox Associates
Phrase Searching
No, The Empire State Building B-25 crash was the first
Phrase Searching
Burj Khalifa, Dubai, 2004, 2009
Phrase searching
Tundra is a type of biome where the tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons. Google Phrase searching

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Scavenger Hunt

VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
Search Engine
Search Technique
1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
Sugata Mitra 
New Delhi,
Businessweek Online Daily Briefing/
March 2, 2000/
Edited by Paul Judge

Phrase Searching

2. What does NIIT stands for?
National Institute of Information Technology
Vijay Tadhena
ajendra Pawar
Phrase Searching
3. It was implemented at a slum area in New Delhi.
Kalkaji India Hole in the wall education ltd. Google Phrase Searching
4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?
Dr. Mitra's team carved a "hole in the wall" that separated the NIIT premises from the adjoining slum in Kalkaji, New Delhi. Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. This computer proved to be an instant hit among the slum dwellers, especially the children. With no prior experience, the children learnt to use the computer on their own.
Kalkaji, New Delhi, India
Education limited(HiWel)
Phrase Searching
5. What was the significant finding of the experiment?
The results, which have been uniformly encouraging, show that children learn to operate as well as play with the computer with minimum intervention. They picked up skills and tasks by constructing their own learning environment India Hole-in-the-wall education limited 2015 Google Phrase searching
6. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?
An effective assessment task is one which assesses students' attainment of the learning outcomes. Unit learning outcomes are what students are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in a unit Australia Macquarie University Google Phrase Searching

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Ang Mundo'y Kung Saan Lahat ay Nagkakaintindihan

     Ang wika ay sadyang ibinigay ng Diyos sa atin. Napakaraming mga wika, dumidipende ito sa kung saan tayo naroroon. Hindi ko maisip kung bawat tao ay may sariling wika, dahil malabo tayong magkakaintindihan. Ang wika ay napakahalaga, nasasabi nating ang gusto nating sabihin sa ating kauri at ito'y naiintindihan nila. Kung wala ang wika, wala tayong, tinatawag na komunikasyon.

       Sa panahon ngayon ang wikang Ingles na ang sa tingin ko, pinaka prominente na wika sa buong daigdig. Ngunit karamihan sa Pilipinas ay nahihirapan mag Ingles. Sa kadahilanang nasanay na sila sa ating sariling wika o naimpluwensyahan  na sila ng kanilang mga ninuno. Ganoon na rin sa edukasyon ngayon. Maraming mga estudyante na Filipino ngayon na nahihirapan dahil karamihan sa mga paksa na itinuturo ng mga guro ay Ingles. Buti nalang, may Google, kung saan dito sila nagsa-saliksik sa mga impormasyon na kanilang kailangan, at higit sa lahat, maaari ng i translate sa Pilipino ang Ingles, para mas napapabilis na ang pagsaliksik, di lang sa mga estudyante, pati na rin sa iba pang mga Filipino.

    Ang google ay isang site o app na maaaring puntahan upang makapagsaliksik ng mga impormasyon. Ito ay napaka importante ngayon sa mga Filipino, lalo na sa mga estudyante. Ngayong Buwan ng Wika; Wika ng Pagsaliksik. Ito ay nagaganap tuwing Buwan ng Agosto, taon-taon. Sa tingin ko ang ibig sabhin ng tema ay, kung papaano nakatutulong ang ating sariling wika, kung tayo ay nagsa-saliksik. Kung ito man ay maitatanong sa akin, ito ay nakatutulong, dahil alam natin na maraming Filipino ang mahirap mag-Ingles o nakakaintindi nito. Ngunit, dahil sa ating teknolohiya ngayon, patungo dito, maaari na itong matulungan ang mga Filipino at iba pang mga bansa na di nakakaintindi ng Ingles. Sa pamamagitan rin nito, naibabahagi ang kaalaman sa mundo at nagkakaroon ng pagkilala sa sarili at maipagmamalaki kung kaya nabubuhay pa rin ang ating pagka-makabayan.

       Sa pamamagitan nito, isang araw, lahat na ng mga tao ay magkakaintindihan, maaaring ang mundo na rin ay mababago, marami na rin tayong matututunan, at naririyan pa rin ang ating pagka-makabayan. Ang ating wika ay di mawawala, ang wikang Pilipino.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Great Leader's Words are Absolute

 July 23,2018, it is the day again when the leader, or the President of the Philippines delivers his third State of the Nation Address. According to Wikipedia SONA is when The President shall from time to time give to the Congress information on the state of the Nation, and recommend to its consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.This is very beneficial to the people that the President is serving, it will educate them to have a better country.

This year's SONA is all about drugs, corruption, safety and other aspects of governance. I found it very interesting and I also think that this is the best SONA yet, even though I didn't listen to the previous SONA of the previous Presidents, I believe that its the best. I know some of the words that came out from the President during his speech, one is that, his concern is human lives while the people he's serving is human rights. Also while we are worrying about the Present, he worries about the future, because the President was not meant just to serve the people but the country as well. The Pilipinos should've listened, not just listen but understand what their great President was saying during his speech. We don't have to always depend on him, but ask ourselves what can we do for our country. We should know that leading a country with millions of people is hard.

The SONA isn't celebrated every day or every week. It's pretty rare, it happens every year. So we should embrace the words of the person who is leading us to a great future. Especially when the leader is great, his words are absolute.

I'm Ambiguous, yet.

  I am already a grade 10 student, yet I still don't know what my dreams are, is that bad? is it already too late? will I still have ...