Saturday, October 20, 2018

Filipino Heroes

       To be called a Hero, one needs to have superpowers, save many lives and capes. That's what I used to believe. When we started going to school, we were still 4 years old, and we admire heroes such as superman, spiderman, the ones we see in televisions and comics, and were told that they were actually fake. But what we didn't knew was there was already one hero in each of our classroom, teaching us we thought nonsense, but aren't. We didn't realize then because we're naive, we just thought that someone can just become a hero if it has superpowers and capes. But does it need to have superpowers? Capes? to be a Hero?

        In every room, there is a teacher that can endure any pain just for the sake of the future, they don't think about their selves first but their students. Is that already considered a hero? What pain exactly? its a pain that is close to forget. The teachers knew that they will be left soon, after all those times of their service, they've spent more times about their students than to their selves and will be left and they will now be ready to serve another batch of students, so its like back to zero. They were able to endure that pain just for the sake of the future, I can't even imagine the world today if there were no professions, all of these was thanks to the teachers. Their teachings serve as their superpower and their profession serves as their capes. And by that we can already consider them as heroes. By enduring such pain they've became a hero.

         For all the students there, know that a hero doesn't need to wear capes and have superpowers. They are the ones you meet at your classroom every hour. Don't forget to  appreciate their teachings, don't forget they also have a Month Celebration, that is very important, you can put all your love to them when that time comes, because its important. As a Filipino, I respect all the teachers in the Philippines, the country is in the verge of falling yet, you still doesn't give up to teach us, you can count on us when the time comes, heroes!


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