Saturday, October 20, 2018

Unity is Power

     Today, 2018, someone, something, somewhere is considered as the top or at the bottom. Things never get right. If it wasn't because of power, things might be equal. People uses power just for themselves. And it makes us compete to each other, and makes us today what we are right now. There is also an issue about racism, where one hates another race, but we're all humans, we have feelings. One has no right to despise another human being. Because of this, one or two gets left behind, and all the fame is put to the ones on top, and the left ones will be forgotten. How bad can it be?

      This year's UN Month celebration's theme; Coming Together with Those Furthest Behind To Build an Inclusive World of Universal Respect for Human Rights and Dignity, It means Unity is needed to build an inclusive world. We have to understand not just our kind, but also others,  to achieve this inclusive world. The population keeps getting higher, there's no guarantee that conflicts will be lessen. But should there be a thing in order to stop this, its being friends with other kinds. Imagine if we all can understand each other, doesn't that make an inclusive world? or rather, a peaceful world where everything is love. The purpose of this celebration is to understand others far in our kind. It teaches us on how other kinds live the same as us. It teaches us about unity is power.

       It will take a lot of time to achieve this, since we already put a huge damage in it, and it made hard to heal. But if there is Unity, it will heal in no time. I hope that people would understand what life really is, even me. Since then, we were living in this world full of lies. Its like the Alegory of the Cave. But then I still believe that we will continue to heal that damage until it heals.


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