Tuesday, November 20, 2018

To Read is To Fly

  Reading is the action or skill of reading written or printed matter, silently or aloud. We were taught by our first teachers to read, and through this reading, we discovered many things that even our parents haven't discovered. Through reading, new stories, unique words, and even outside the earth is discovered, when reading it can feel the same as traveling since you explore unfamiliar places, things, peoples, etc.

  This year's Reading Month Celebration's theme; Pagbasa; Susi sa Magandang Kinabukasan, means that reading is the key to success, through reading we might even answer questions that is extremely hard to answer, like who is really in the wrong or right. This celebration teaches the students that reading is very crucial. It can boost the student's reading skills and communication skills, and is an exemplary linguistic. It opens opportunities to greater intellectual growth and development.
  Reading is an avenue to an endless chances to absorb bulk of information, and of course it opens opportunities to greater intellectual growth and development. this year's Reading Month Celebration will again be crucial, since the students are populating schools even more, and students will continue to multiply for the sake of the next generation, and about this, reading might be the key to their success, and someday a world greater than today's will exist.

sourceofimage: https://www.google.com.ph/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=ON7zW5HgFomo8QWvzJ6wBA&q=pages+of+a+book&oq=pages+of+a+book&gs_l=img.3..0l6j0i5i30l4.20791.24800..25048...1.0..0.104.1416.14j2......1....1..gws-wiz-img.....0..0i67.sDb4SB_ca0c#imgdii=KtGJnMsRtbPc7M:&imgrc=79c9mq1BtYPLjM:

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