Sunday, August 12, 2018

It Doesn't End At First Quater

At the age of 20, that will be the time when we discover what life is. Just like in school, at College, it will be the time to get serious, it will be the time now to apply what you really learned at elementary and high school. Same as to the quarters of every semester, where the fourth grading will be the last grading for the school year, where the lessons will be much harder. But thankfully there are previous quarters that'll help you face the fourth quarter.

Time really moves fast, the first quarter from my Grade 10 journey has ended. I learned more than enough this quarter, like this blogging. Before I was Grade 10 I wasn't really interested in blogging, I don't even know what it means. But when we discussed about it, it was fun. We make our own account and post an article that connects to the theme from what our teacher will give. There were 6 though, this is the last, for the 1st quarter. It was really fun, because you will challenge yourself by making reaction articles and by that, you will innovate or improve your grammar. You can also improve your typing skills if you're slow at typing, and it may help you to make your works faster and easier, and because of this, blogging, students will improve their english speaking and their writing skills. We also learned about how our great technology evolved, like the internet. And also to our helpful applications, especially the ones that can make you communicate through phones. All of this things were reported by us, and thanks to that we actually boost our confidence, well most of us.

The challenges that I faced during the first quarter are, One, to face your classmates and have a proper reporting to a certain subject, since I wasn't very active when I was grade 7 and 8, I find it hard to face my classmates, even my teacher and have a proper reporting at the same time. Second, is I find it really hard to understand the theme of the articles given to us, and because of that, its hard to write something about it and made me slow. Lastly, I didn't know how beneficial blogging is for us students, but eventually we had that kind of reporting, "The Advantages of Blogging to Students" and made me realize a bit of how beneficial it is.

In order for me to overcome those challenges, I had to believe in myself. If I keep thinking about negative thoughts, I won't make things happen like they should be. I had to ask for help, since my classmates are kind I ask for their help so that my work is properly done. I myself help them too, if somehow they need me. I also had to use my time wisely, since I find it hard to understand some things at first quarter, especially the articles, I had to use my time wisely, I had to search about facts and at the same time combining it with my ideas and with the ideas of my kind classmates.

Moving on, I would like to appreciate what I learned from this Quarter, also to my teacher, Ma'am Vera Cruz for teaching us that made us do things independently. Thank you because, I know that in the near future we will apply these. Now, time to get ready for the second quarter, besides, it doesn't end at first quarter, There will be more things to come, to discover.


I'm Ambiguous, yet.

  I am already a grade 10 student, yet I still don't know what my dreams are, is that bad? is it already too late? will I still have ...