Thursday, December 6, 2018

She has He, He has She

 Women were made, for men to be not lonely in this world full of beautiful, mysterious things. They both must take part in everything, together they survive, together they spread good things. Until one became blind and been controlled by power, then inequality rises.

 Many things had happen when inequality arose. Most were negative effects. Women was as if they were not a part of this world anymore, they were treated as slaves. It changed the way how both should live together, fight together, and spread love together. Men was blinded in power and wants only to rule. They forgot to take women's hand and didn't respect what they also want, it was pure abuses, injustices, it was all surrounding the atmosphere. Until a special thing was made to prevent this chaos.

 To prevent this, so called chaos, they had to make laws, where everyone has rights. Now the old "Together" is coming back, slowly. they continue to spread love and survive together. But time passes, the other was got revenged on, they also felt what women felt then. But laws are still present. People still hopes, even I that they will someday have equal opportunities, since change is permanent. as long as it's good, there is no chaos.

 Men and women should consider each other's feelings, for that's how they live together. Respect what was given and made beautifully. No one can be blinded as long as She has He, He has She, things will go well.


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