Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Celebrating Independence Day as a Teen

               In the 20th Century, people became lazier, especially teenagers, because most of them are spoiled and because of the amazing technology. Philippines, one of the countries that got invaded by many foreigners got its freedom because of the brave men in the country. June 12,1898 when the flag of the Philippines was waved by the late President Emilio Aguinaldo at Cavite, and indicates the freedom of the country. This is why June 12 is the Philippine Independence Day, and have been celebrated every year. But today, will the Filipino, especially the teenagers still celebrate Philippine Independence Day as it is? or just call it a day? How about teenagers? they prioritize other things than important things like their gadgets, and forgets that it is Independence Day.

               Philippine Independence Day is a really important thing to celebrate. The Philippines got its freedom in that day, yet some Filipinos doesn't care or not aware. Many brave men sacrificed their lives for the Freedom of the Philippines. Some would be asking why should we celebrate, but those people are ignorant, people who are ignorant about the history of the Philippines. We celebrate Independence Day to tell the brave men that they didn't die in vain. We celebrate it for it is the day that we finally got freedom. Filipinos, especially the teenagers that are ignorant should know about the history of the Philippines., to let them know how great the people they came from, our ancestors. Without them Philippines won't be the way as it is. Without them, we wouldn't be here today.

               I'm telling the Filipinos, especially the teenagers that whenever its June 12, Celebrate the Philippine Independence day to appreciate the doings of our ancestors. For the teenagers, don't prioritize other things, have freedom to have fun with your family not to have freedom doing your self-happiness, because your family won't leave you but the other things like your gadgets will. To Celebrate Philippine Independence Day is to thank the brave Filipinos for what they've done.


  1. very persuasive (insert claps) the way you expressed your words were so free. The flow was great mah friend :)


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