Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Great Leader's Words are Absolute

 July 23,2018, it is the day again when the leader, or the President of the Philippines delivers his third State of the Nation Address. According to Wikipedia SONA is when The President shall from time to time give to the Congress information on the state of the Nation, and recommend to its consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.This is very beneficial to the people that the President is serving, it will educate them to have a better country.

This year's SONA is all about drugs, corruption, safety and other aspects of governance. I found it very interesting and I also think that this is the best SONA yet, even though I didn't listen to the previous SONA of the previous Presidents, I believe that its the best. I know some of the words that came out from the President during his speech, one is that, his concern is human lives while the people he's serving is human rights. Also while we are worrying about the Present, he worries about the future, because the President was not meant just to serve the people but the country as well. The Pilipinos should've listened, not just listen but understand what their great President was saying during his speech. We don't have to always depend on him, but ask ourselves what can we do for our country. We should know that leading a country with millions of people is hard.

The SONA isn't celebrated every day or every week. It's pretty rare, it happens every year. So we should embrace the words of the person who is leading us to a great future. Especially when the leader is great, his words are absolute.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Worthiness of Having Fruits and Vegetables in our Yard

     Every July, we celebrate the so called "Nutrition Month." We celebrate this to give importance for the people on what food will be healthy for them, and to develop their skills in physical activities. This year, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" is the theme for the Nutrition Month Celebration. I think the theme means, if we plant fruits and vegetables, we harvest healthy foods and gain good nutrition. This is a very good theme, it will teach us the worthiness of having fruits and vegetables in our yard.

     Having a good nutrition is a must, especially for children and students. They will be able to have a healthy life when they grow up. To achieve this, they should know what food that are most beneficial to them, most likely, vegetables and fruits. but the problem would be, how can families make many of these plants? Because we know that buying isn't worth. The answer is simple, by planting. By planting vegetables and fruits from our yard, we could make a bunch of these. Though, will it be worth? Yes, I suppose, because we'll be taught about patience. If we take good care about the plants, then patiently wait for them to grow, we will harvest many healthy foods and will be enough for our nutrition can sell these to our neighbors for a fair price. By planting in our yard, we can also discover how the plants grow or act. And for the parents, you can also teach your children about these too, pretty worth it right?

     By planting fruits and vegetables in our yard, we can help ourselves and at the same time, help others. We can change the world, we'll know the worthiness of this. By doing this, we can have the world full of healthy people and not hungry people.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


July 10, 2018
President Rodrigo Duterte
Malacanang Palace Compound
JP Laurel Street, Manila, Philippines

Dear President,

           A pleasant day to you, I am a student of Ilocos Sur national High School, a grade 10 student. I am writing this letter to appreciate your works in our country.

           I don't really know much about politics, but I have heard so much about you and your works from my supportive family, I also know your characteristic of being foul mouthed. But even if you're like that, it doesn't mean you are a bad President, right? Besides, my family always tell us children positive things about you, and your works. I also know something about the drug addicts being killed. Though, some doesn't deserve it, but if it weren't for you, maybe even dogs would also be drug addicts now. many people in the country also changed because of this. I can see that our country is also changing slowly, but surely.

           That's all I could write for now. I hope that you'll continue changing our country Mr. President, continue surprising us, continue being a good leader, you can be the best leader also. Thank you Mr. President.

Sincerely yours,
Justin Paul Ablog

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Celebrating Independence Day as a Teen

               In the 20th Century, people became lazier, especially teenagers, because most of them are spoiled and because of the amazing technology. Philippines, one of the countries that got invaded by many foreigners got its freedom because of the brave men in the country. June 12,1898 when the flag of the Philippines was waved by the late President Emilio Aguinaldo at Cavite, and indicates the freedom of the country. This is why June 12 is the Philippine Independence Day, and have been celebrated every year. But today, will the Filipino, especially the teenagers still celebrate Philippine Independence Day as it is? or just call it a day? How about teenagers? they prioritize other things than important things like their gadgets, and forgets that it is Independence Day.

               Philippine Independence Day is a really important thing to celebrate. The Philippines got its freedom in that day, yet some Filipinos doesn't care or not aware. Many brave men sacrificed their lives for the Freedom of the Philippines. Some would be asking why should we celebrate, but those people are ignorant, people who are ignorant about the history of the Philippines. We celebrate Independence Day to tell the brave men that they didn't die in vain. We celebrate it for it is the day that we finally got freedom. Filipinos, especially the teenagers that are ignorant should know about the history of the Philippines., to let them know how great the people they came from, our ancestors. Without them Philippines won't be the way as it is. Without them, we wouldn't be here today.

               I'm telling the Filipinos, especially the teenagers that whenever its June 12, Celebrate the Philippine Independence day to appreciate the doings of our ancestors. For the teenagers, don't prioritize other things, have freedom to have fun with your family not to have freedom doing your self-happiness, because your family won't leave you but the other things like your gadgets will. To Celebrate Philippine Independence Day is to thank the brave Filipinos for what they've done.

I'm Ambiguous, yet.

  I am already a grade 10 student, yet I still don't know what my dreams are, is that bad? is it already too late? will I still have ...