Tuesday, January 15, 2019

3rd; Perception

  I would like to share the things I learned from 3rd quarter, ICT and appreciate it. I thought that I already saw the beauty of computer technology, but I was wrong, the beauty was so soon I had to go deep. I realized this 3rd grading that I had only dug a fragment of everything and still has a long way to go. But in order to succeed, start from the bottom.
This grading was a rush, especially after the holidays, so many requirements to be passed, so many time to spend. It is our responsibility anyway, we can't just run from it. I was still happy that I as a student has a subject like ICT, I appreciate the things I learn, see from it, and hoping that I will use it through my life.

 I learned how to do web page design, tiring yet fun. After typing many words in the notepad, then opening it at google, there I saw how wonderful it is to command using only fingers. It goes how you wanted it to go, that's how I see the beauty of it. I didn't even had to memorize all the basic tags, it just connects with me as if they see me as a Captain.
Since this grading was a rush, I found it hard to find time in everything, I prioritize what is good for everyone, and is a good thing that I see. I had to do unnecessary things for the work to progress, and forget some responsibilities that can wait, I somehow found myself distracted, stressed. I told to myself that I should rest, and I should do good. I also had to rush many requirements yet late, but didn't felt regret, because I was happy that the decisions I made is how I perceive it good.

 Here the 3rd grading ends, I'm a bit happy that I finally made it this far, and a bit sad because endings aren't always a happy ending. I'm happy that the decisions I made lead to this future, I'm happy that I made them, even if there were regrets and pain. I'm happy that I could appreciate even just a speck of things that can complete my destiny. How I see and feel is different from the way you see and feel. Appreciate everything like I did and do what you see good.

source of image: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/361132463862625968/

1 comment:

I'm Ambiguous, yet.

  I am already a grade 10 student, yet I still don't know what my dreams are, is that bad? is it already too late? will I still have ...