Saturday, October 20, 2018

Before The Third Grading-

     The 2nd grading is already finished, and it was all I needed for the sembreak. Things just get very more interesting whenever we get far right? And whenever we get far, we learn new more things on the way. It might be a tough road, but it still has lessons. This 2nd grading, my focus was as if got upgraded, my vocabularies, balanced. I got fast on typing too, unlike last month. The only thing that might not have changed is the way I make mistakes, its inevitable. I love how 2nd grading made me a better student, I have also known already what is notepad for, I thought its just where you put your important chores or something in there, for it will not be forgotten that easy.
      What I love about 2nd Grading Ict is about the use of Tags, they are commands that are used in a Notepad and Simple Text. And after the instructions, saving the file with an extension file name is very important and interesting. Once those are finished, what I typed in the Notepad was putted in the Web. I was amaze by something that simple. I also learned about Internet Access either, where how Wi-fi became famous and Wimax didn't, I also learned about the Bandwidths. How to identify how fast is your Internet, and the top ten most subscribed internet. By that, I was shocked how India got higher than Philippines, but now I understand why.
        On the way, problems are inevitable. I wasn't able to understand how internet works, and had to ask my other classmates. I also make mistakes while doing the Html Tags Activities, I always rush, but then when I try to open it, it was a fail. But then I learned my lesson that rushing isn't that necessary. And of course we can't avoid being stressed in how many projects or outputs are to be passed at the same time. But we're grown ups now, we should use our time wisely. I overcame this all by believing in God, and of course to myself. Never doubt yourself, you're better than you think. By using my time wisely, I lessened the stress, and can finally have time with my family and friends.
          Moving on, I would like to thank again my teachers, for not giving up on us, Thanks for the professional teachings that made us very good students. I hope we enjoy our sembreak, with our families and friends, hope to see you again after sembreak. And it will be 3rd grading then, I hope your teaching skills may never change, because we will probably miss it! Now I'm ready for another grading.


Unity is Power

     Today, 2018, someone, something, somewhere is considered as the top or at the bottom. Things never get right. If it wasn't because of power, things might be equal. People uses power just for themselves. And it makes us compete to each other, and makes us today what we are right now. There is also an issue about racism, where one hates another race, but we're all humans, we have feelings. One has no right to despise another human being. Because of this, one or two gets left behind, and all the fame is put to the ones on top, and the left ones will be forgotten. How bad can it be?

      This year's UN Month celebration's theme; Coming Together with Those Furthest Behind To Build an Inclusive World of Universal Respect for Human Rights and Dignity, It means Unity is needed to build an inclusive world. We have to understand not just our kind, but also others,  to achieve this inclusive world. The population keeps getting higher, there's no guarantee that conflicts will be lessen. But should there be a thing in order to stop this, its being friends with other kinds. Imagine if we all can understand each other, doesn't that make an inclusive world? or rather, a peaceful world where everything is love. The purpose of this celebration is to understand others far in our kind. It teaches us on how other kinds live the same as us. It teaches us about unity is power.

       It will take a lot of time to achieve this, since we already put a huge damage in it, and it made hard to heal. But if there is Unity, it will heal in no time. I hope that people would understand what life really is, even me. Since then, we were living in this world full of lies. Its like the Alegory of the Cave. But then I still believe that we will continue to heal that damage until it heals.


Filipino Heroes

       To be called a Hero, one needs to have superpowers, save many lives and capes. That's what I used to believe. When we started going to school, we were still 4 years old, and we admire heroes such as superman, spiderman, the ones we see in televisions and comics, and were told that they were actually fake. But what we didn't knew was there was already one hero in each of our classroom, teaching us we thought nonsense, but aren't. We didn't realize then because we're naive, we just thought that someone can just become a hero if it has superpowers and capes. But does it need to have superpowers? Capes? to be a Hero?

        In every room, there is a teacher that can endure any pain just for the sake of the future, they don't think about their selves first but their students. Is that already considered a hero? What pain exactly? its a pain that is close to forget. The teachers knew that they will be left soon, after all those times of their service, they've spent more times about their students than to their selves and will be left and they will now be ready to serve another batch of students, so its like back to zero. They were able to endure that pain just for the sake of the future, I can't even imagine the world today if there were no professions, all of these was thanks to the teachers. Their teachings serve as their superpower and their profession serves as their capes. And by that we can already consider them as heroes. By enduring such pain they've became a hero.

         For all the students there, know that a hero doesn't need to wear capes and have superpowers. They are the ones you meet at your classroom every hour. Don't forget to  appreciate their teachings, don't forget they also have a Month Celebration, that is very important, you can put all your love to them when that time comes, because its important. As a Filipino, I respect all the teachers in the Philippines, the country is in the verge of falling yet, you still doesn't give up to teach us, you can count on us when the time comes, heroes!


Science's Advancements

     Science Month Celebration is one of the most awaited or liked celebrations, not because of its good activities nor the things they teach but also because of the experience of students in the celebration. Today, science has made the world very advance, not all part of it, but it is now a place that could help us in our daily lives. Because of their inventions we get to live in an easy way, some inventions too are now already part of our lives and we can't live without them. And some inventions also brought us to being dependent over something and made us selfish. 

       Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials Activating Technological Advancements, This year's Science Month Celebration's theme. Accentuate means to make more noticeable or prominent, for me it indicates that Science's inventions are need to be notice by all parts of this world and know its potentials. Science has proven enough to be renounced. The population keeps getting higher and we can't deny that it might need more inventions to the future. The purpose of this celebration is to let students know their hidden talents, so they may help someday in the future about this things for good.

         Science has made our world fit to today's time, I hope that they continue to celebrate science month, since students love its activities, and many things can be learned in this. Students should also unlock their potentials through this celebration, since children are the future and we might as well share this to the next generation either. And for that, I hope that this world will continue to innovate, until science will be gone.



I'm Ambiguous, yet.

  I am already a grade 10 student, yet I still don't know what my dreams are, is that bad? is it already too late? will I still have ...