Thursday, December 6, 2018

The 25th Day of Decembers

 Christmas is the best day of the year, it has always been, and it will always be. It is the time of the year, where people are giving, united and finds happiness that is different. Love surrounds the atmosphere. People are seen by their once in a blue moon, beautiful smile. Te presence of good things are felt, as if they were carried by a wind.

 On December, outside in night time is full of lights. People's caroling, singing Christmas songs. Wind of December, the cold carries such harmony and peace. Christmas, the day in December where the essence of Christmas, for me is discovered. Everyone will be seen wearing their sweet smile with their families in their side. Gifts are gave, delicious foods are indulged and moments, are to be remembered and won't be forgotten.

 Christmas is celebrated not only for families but for others too, even strangers. it is the time of the year where everyone smiles and feel happiness hat happens once in a year. Christmas will forever be celebrated once in a year. It has been beautiful and will always be beautiful. As long as they keep smiling on Christmas and find happiness with their families and others, it will be beautiful, because that is the essence of Christmas.


She has He, He has She

 Women were made, for men to be not lonely in this world full of beautiful, mysterious things. They both must take part in everything, together they survive, together they spread good things. Until one became blind and been controlled by power, then inequality rises.

 Many things had happen when inequality arose. Most were negative effects. Women was as if they were not a part of this world anymore, they were treated as slaves. It changed the way how both should live together, fight together, and spread love together. Men was blinded in power and wants only to rule. They forgot to take women's hand and didn't respect what they also want, it was pure abuses, injustices, it was all surrounding the atmosphere. Until a special thing was made to prevent this chaos.

 To prevent this, so called chaos, they had to make laws, where everyone has rights. Now the old "Together" is coming back, slowly. they continue to spread love and survive together. But time passes, the other was got revenged on, they also felt what women felt then. But laws are still present. People still hopes, even I that they will someday have equal opportunities, since change is permanent. as long as it's good, there is no chaos.

 Men and women should consider each other's feelings, for that's how they live together. Respect what was given and made beautifully. No one can be blinded as long as She has He, He has She, things will go well.


Monday, December 3, 2018

A gamble for the guides

  Parents are made to guide the next generations for the future. It has been their responsibility since they started parenthood. It is their responsibility they should never evade, rather, they can't. It will have a negative effect if they ran from it, not just for the child but for the future as well. Going into marriage means never regret what actions or decisions that will be made. Parents will guide, teach their children until they become more outstanding than the previous generations.

  Today many children are abused because of the irresponsible parents, and because of their incompetence, lack of knowledge. It leads to negative effects on children and the family, as well as the future. They won't have the chance to be taught, to survive and to enjoy the essence of life, many challenges will face them that they can't overcome.

  As for the parents, they must teach their children about their experiences and challenges, that they shouldn't just be intelligent, but also wise. Parents shouldn't always depend on others, they must be very ready about these things in order to raise their children beautifully. They must teach them what is proven right. They must be always honest on them. Let them feel they are loved always, tell them its okay to make mistakes, that they are normal. Motivate them to strive hard. Teach them respect, tell them who is God. And lastly, parents should always tell their children that they did their best everyday and will always be proud of how their children were guided good.

  This year's children's month celebration theme, "Isulong: Tamang Pag-aaruga para sa lahat ng mga bata" means that guide all children in the right path, for they are the Hope of the future. As for the guides, they will always be loved and remembered. In the end, the children will be the one who decide, on what will going to happen, but will everything's gonna be alright even if they had good guides? It's a gamble, it was always a gamble and it will always be.


I'm Ambiguous, yet.

  I am already a grade 10 student, yet I still don't know what my dreams are, is that bad? is it already too late? will I still have ...